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In the TICKETINO whitepapers we provide you with tips & tricks on various topics related to event organization, ticketing and marketing for event organizers.

You can download all whitepapers below free of charge: (some are in German)

Key Performance Indicators - a guide

Learn everything you need to know about KPIs

Marketingcontrolling - a guide

Marketing controlling - check and optimise your event marketing

How to Promocode - a step by step guide

Find out how to use Promotion Codes in a best possible way for your events.

Further development of the timeslot booking solution - a guide

The TICKETINO timeslot booking module is the first choice for event organisers or venues with permanent operations.

How to Tageskasse - a step by step guide

The new TICKETINO ticket office is here! It is clearer, faster and more user-friendly than its predecessor.

How to Instagram - Specially tailored to event organizers!

Now you can get the simple step-by-step guide to creating your next Instagram event posts and campaigns.

Your own festival - how to create a coherent concept

In this whitepaper, we will show you what is involved in planning a festival and what points need to be considered.

Google Ads - Create your own campaigns on Google

Get the step-by-step guide to creating your own Google Ads campaigns now.

How to TikTok - how effective event marketing on TikTok works

Learn how TikTok works and what advantages the popular video platform holds for you.

Affiliate marketing with TICKETINO & Google Analytics

Give your event media coverage via the channels of your partners.

TICKETINO ScanApp - Admission management with the smartphone

With the TICKETINO ScanApp, you can easily buy admission to your event with your smartphone and validate your tickets. Get the instructions now!

Sending e-mail newsletters to your ticket buyers - it's that easy

We will show you how to download the contact details of your ticket buyers and send them an e-mail newsletter.

Google Analytics - Evaluation of the marketing for your event

Link Google Analytics to your event detail page in just a few steps and evaluate your online campaigns.

How to Facebook - How to do effective event marketing on Facebook

Promote posts with Facebook campaigns, target your audience, use a CTA to boost your pre-sales and generate more reach.

Integrate Facebook Pixel - remarketing for your events

In this white paper you will learn how to integrate the Facebook Pixel for your next event.

Organize a party professionally - step by step

Good organization is half the battle. In this guide we show you step by step how to organize a professional party.

SEO guide for your events

Do you want your event to be top positioned in search engines? We show you how to do it!

The TICKETINO box office

Instructions for simple and smooth ticket control and box office processing.

MS Excel - Tips & Tricks

This Excel catalog will make it a lot easier for you to get started with the comprehensive spreadsheet program.

How to Twitter - a guide

Go viral! Learn how Twitter works and how to create efficient Tweets. 

Contact information

Information about the event