The event market largely recovered to pre-Covid levels in 2023. TICKETINO AG can look back on a successful financial year. Gross revenue increased by 16% compared to the previous year and a return on sales of 10% was realised.

TICKETINO - Result 2023 and outlook

Attention trade fair organisers - profairs and TICKETINO are intensifying their cooperation!
The companies profairs and TICKETINO have intensified their cooperation and linked their systems via a REST interface. By combining the two systems, the needs of exhibitors and trade fair operators can be optimally met. This leads to a massive reduction in effort and costs for exhibitors and trade fair operators. The service is already being used successfully by various trade fairs.

Looking back on the 2022 financial year
After a challenging start to 2022 due to Omikron, the second quarter saw a return to normality. Sales increased by 36% compared to 2021, but not all business divisions have yet recovered to pre-Covid levels.

Review of the 2021 financial year
Despite enormous restrictions for the event industry, thousands of events were processed via the self-service TICKETINO ticketing platform in 2021. In combination with cost-cutting measures, short-time working and compensation, an outflow of funds was kept within limits despite the decline in sales.

Interview with CEO Franz Wyss at Event Management Circle
Lockdowns, event bans and restrictions shook up the event industry in 2020. TICKETINO was also severely affected by this. In an interview with Event Management Circle (EMC), CEO Franz Wyss provides information on business development, alternative business areas and new products.

Successful 2019 financial year for TICKETINO
Sales increased by 10% compared to the previous year. Despite the increase in personnel in the areas of marketing, service and the further development of the platform, EBITA remained stable.

TICKETINO celebrates its 10th anniversary
Even more customers with higher ticket volumes have opted for the low-cost, self-service ticketing provider and are benefiting from the simple, transparent and powerful ticket sales solution.

TICKETINO - Solid result in the 2017 financial year
The specialist for ticket sales and guest management continued to grow in the double-digit percentage range in 2017. The EBITDA targets were achieved and the outlook for the coming financial year is promising.

Cheaper tickets due to cancelled merger?
On 23 May, COMCO definitively rejected the merger of Starticket and Ticketcorner. According to consumer protection, a merger of the two companies would have led to a virtual monopoly, as the two companies together control around 90% of the ticket trade.

Organisers also increasingly relied on TICKETINO in 2016
In its ninth financial year, more event organisers have once again opted for TICKETINO's self-service platform. Last year, operating income increased by 14% and the number of tickets and events by more than 10%.

Interview with TICKETINO CTO Patrick Walgis
Patrick Walgis has put his heart and soul into TICKETINO since it was founded. He and his development team make TICKETINO possible in the first place.

Defeat for Hallenstadion and Ticketcorner
Ticket sales in the Hallenstadion are mainly handled by Ticketcorner AG, which has attracted the attention of competitors.

TICKETINO sees the merger as an opportunity for itself
The merger of Ticketcorner and Starticket will result in overlaps - redundancies are to be expected. The Starticket site in Zollikon is to be integrated into Ticketcorner in Rümlang. Competitor TICKETINO sees the merger as an opportunity for itself. Meanwhile, consumer protection organisations are sticking to their criticism.

Statement on the merger in the ticket market
The latest developments on the Swiss ticket market confirm TICKETINO's previous strategy and its continuation. As the only truly independent alternative to the ticket distributors managed by larger media groups, the merger of the two competitors will change a lot.

Unabated growth in 2015
The strategy as price leader with the benefit of self-service for event organisers has been confirmed with over 50,000 events processed. In 2015, TICKETINO increased its revenue and transaction volume by more than 25% compared to the previous year.

New event capture in less than 3 minutes
Save time and money thanks to the professional handling of advance sales
Following the beta phase, TICKETINO is introducing a new form of event registration. Thanks to the revised version, it is now possible to create an event and activate ticket sales in less than three minutes. This saves organisers valuable time and allows them to enter their events more quickly, further reducing the hurdles to professional pre-sales processing.

Personalised tickets? No problem for TICKETINO
The ticket black market recently made headlines again. The Adele concert at the Hallenstadion was sold out just a few minutes after the pre-sale started. The stunned and empty-handed fans were amazed when tickets were offered on the black market for double or triple the price. The black market is booming - but why? What can be done about it? TICKETINO has the solution.

Discriminatory credit card fees for ticket buyers
Beim Bestellen eines Tickets im Internet stecken die Käufer oftmals in der Klemme. Zwar werden ihnen sämtliche Bezahlungsmöglichkeiten geboten, beim Zahlen jedoch tauchen unnötige Gebühren auf – einzig dafür, dass die Kreditkarte benutzt wird. Seit der Einführung der „Nicht-Diskriminierungs-Klausel“ am 1. August sollen Kunden, die mit ihrer Karte bezahlen, keinen Aufschlag zahlen müssen. Trotzdem zahlen etliche Ticketkäufer immer noch zu viel.

Bye-Bye Registration - Buy tickets without login
Ticket buyers can now also buy, pay for and print out tickets for many exciting and entertaining events at TICKETINO as guests, i.e. without having to create a login. Consumers and event organisers have repeatedly expressed this need.

Expansion of advance booking offices - network to over 1,000 points of sale
From September 2013, TICKETINO will be expanding its existing network of advance booking offices to around 1,000 post offices throughout Switzerland. Swiss Post offers an efficient, nationwide sales network that is well anchored regionally.

The Robin Hood of the ticketing industry rises to number 3
Statement by Franz Wyss, CEO of TICKETINO, on the cooperation between Starticket and Ticketportal

New in the expo event association
Now it's official: TICKETINO is an active member of the Expo-Event.Live Communication Association, making it one of the leading companies in the live communication industry. We look forward to a lively association life!

Attack on top dog TC
The ticket broker TICKETINO sometimes offers better conditions than its big competitor and advertises this. The market leader reacts irritably and threatens to sue.

Illegal fees
As mentioned in the Kassensturz article, unlike other ticket providers, TICKETINO does not charge any additional fees for "Print at Home" tickets. The ticket price advertised in the advertising and on the website is 100% guaranteed to the customer.

Legally compliant ticket fees
The story of illegal additional fees for ticket sales continues to unfold. As the latest NZZ am Sonntag article shows, the issue is far from over.

Ticket sales 2.0
Whereas professional ticket sales used to be accessible to an elite and the wealthy insiders of the market, today the process at TICKETINO is accessible to almost everyone.

Business result 2014
The ticketing and guest management specialists sold almost CHF 40 million worth of tickets in 2014. 80% of the transactions were processed in Switzerland. With sales growth of 10% and a 20% increase in cash flow compared to the previous year, TICKETINO's growth trajectory continued unabated in 2014.

High Potential SME Label
TICKETINO AG is delighted to have been awarded the High-Potential SME label. This SQS-certified label gives the company easier access to growth capital and extended risk and insurance cover.

Certified security
TICKETINO provides users with a secure, bank-approved payment system from Datatrans. All data on is SSL-encrypted. The SSL certificate is from QuoVadis, the globally recognised auditor for security certificates.

Ticket sales for theatres
From this autumn, more and more theatres and small theatres will be selling their tickets via the self-service ticket sales platform from TICKETINO.

Fees Festival
The high fees charged by ticket distributors are a constant source of annoyance. A K-Tipp comparison shows: If you book at the right place, you can save a lot of money.

TICKETINO goes mobile
With the brand new TICKETINO Scan app, TICKETINO organisers can handle admission control at the event 100% independently and free of charge using their own Apple or Android smartphones.

All you need is money!
For years, the print@home fee charged by our competitors was a constant source of annoyance for customers. Anyone who ordered a ticket and printed it out at home had to pay for it. However, following a warning from Seco, the company was forced to abolish these annoying print@home fees. The catch: a so-called "service fee" has now been introduced - a charge of between 30 centimes and CHF 1.90 per ticket, depending on the value of the ticket.